Elephants... I like elephants!
I like how they stomp through the jungle with their big gray trunks
Monkeys... I like monkeys!
I like how they swing through trees
Fish... I like fish!
I like how they swim in the ocean
Gotta like dogs!
I like how they scratch at fleas and sniff at trees and bark at the mailman
Cats... I like cats!
Curled up on the windowsill purring, and chasing mice
Bears... I like bears!
I like how they reach into beehives for the honey
Gotta like frogs!
I like how they jump up high to catch a fly and sit on a lilypad
Mice... I like mice!
Running through a maze for some cheese
Bunnies... I like bunnies!
I like how they hop and eat carrots
Elephants... I like elephants!
I loved this post! It was very fun to read, and the creations that go along with each animal are so clever! Thanks for sharing :)